Apr 7, 2015

When Life imitates Art

"Look at them, Daddy. Aren't they wonderful?"
She walked to them, feeling the music. And when her father put her hand in Brady's, it was steady and sure.
"Kate." As her father had, Brody lifted her hand to his lips. "I'll make her happy," he said to Spence, then looked into Kate's eyes. "You make me happy."

"You look pretty." Forgetting himself Jack bounced in his new shoes. 
His voice carried through the church. "You look really pretty. Mom."

Her heart, already full, overflowed. 

She bent to him, kissed his cheek. "I love you, Jack. You're mine now," she told him, then straightened, met Brady's eyes. "And so are you."

She passed her bouquet to her sister, took Jack's hand in her free one.

And married them both.

Considering Kate


Groom’s touching vows to bride’s daughter go viral

"Boutonniere-whitesuit" by David Ball - Own work. 
Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

A wedding video is going viral, and not because of a cleverly choreographed bridal party dance or a flower girl throwing a tantrum. The part of the video that stole the show is the groom Brian Scott’s vows to his bride Whitney Kay’s young daughter, Brielle. 

He said, “I promise to always hold your hand and skip with you down the street and bring comfort to your life. I vow to make you say your prayers before you eat. I promise to read you stories at night, to always tuck you in real tight. I vow to show you how a man should treat a woman in my relationship with your mother. And above all else, I vow to protect you, care for you, and love you forever.”

Not surprisingly, there was not a dry eye in the house.