Feb 7, 2016

Why Do We Laugh When We’re Scared?

Jackie slammed both hands over her mouth as she gasped and choked. 
"I thought you were six men with homicidal intentions. 
One of you had a scar, and the little one had a face like a weasel."

 "So naturally you came down to beat us all off with a souffle pan."

 "Not exactly." Still giggling, she propped herself against the counter. 

"I'm sorry, I always laugh when I'm terrified."

 "Who doesn't?"

Loving Jack


We usually think of laughter as being a response to pleasure or amusement—we’re supposed to laugh when we find something funny, not scary. So why do we laugh when we’re scared? 
It turns out scientists still aren’t sure what makes us laugh in seemingly inappropriate contexts—though they have some pretty compelling ideas.